Quinn's Promise Page 26
He then noticed the way Wes Monroe and Milburn Wheeler looked at her. She wasn’t an object to be ogled. She was a woman who needed to be loved and cherished.
Ashe couldn’t help remembering the words Beck said to him last night.
“I think you’re a fool, Ashe.”
“What do you mean?”
“Quinn Stockton is in love with you and anybody can see you’re crazy about her.”
“Beck’s right,” Cal interjected. “Why don’t you give up the idea of going back to Denver and ask the little redhead to marry you?”
“I won’t do that to her. She deserves better than me.”
“Marlene deserves better than me, but I intend to spend the rest of my life showing her how much I love her.”
“I feel the same way about Deborah.”
“You know I’m happy for you guys, but it’s different for me.”
“How the hell is it different, Ashe? When I lost Nell I turned to a life of whores and sinners because I didn’t think I deserved better. I was wrong. Every man should grab any happiness he can get in this life. Getting to know Marlene convinced me of that.”
Ashe’s thoughts came back to the present as Quinn moved to her place at the altar.
The brides entered and it wasn’t long until they were saying the vows to change their lives forever. They were both moving to Wyoming to live on ranches with their husbands.
The preacher pronounced them married and the Montgomery brothers kissed their wives. Then the four of them headed down the aisle to the waiting picnic outside. Ashe took Quinn’s arm and started out.
Again he noticed how Wes and Milburn looked at Quinn. They seemed to be undressing her with their eyes. If she hadn’t been holding his arm, he would’ve jerked them out of the pew and smashed those grins off their faces.
Damn. Nobody’s ever going to undress this woman except me.
Before he could act, Quinn whispered, “I see the big strong lawman has no problems rounding up and arresting outlaws, but he’s so scared of his feelings for a tiny redhead that he has to turn tail and run out of town. Of course there are two men in this church who’ll be glad to see him go. They think the way to the woman will be open for them then.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know exactly what I mean.” She thrust her chin into the air and pushed open the door.
Ashe grabbed her elbow. “I’m not afraid of you or anybody else.”
Her blue eyes bored into his for several seconds. “Prove it,” she dared him.
He stared at her a minute. Was Beck right? Did a man have the right to grab the happiness he longed for? Did he have the courage to do what he wanted to do with all his heart? “Yes, damn it,” he said silently. “I have the right and the courage. Besides this woman loves me.”
He glanced at the two happy couples on the church steps. “I think you should come back inside.”
“Why?” Beck looked confused.
Without answering him, Ashe stomped back to the door. Kicking it open, he took Quinn by the arm and she almost stumbled to keep up with him.
Blocking the people who started outside, he yelled, “Go back to your seats, everyone. Before we get to the celebrating, the preacher has another wedding to perform.”
The snow had fallen the night before, but Christmas Eve turned into a beautiful day. Quinn had a fur wrap around her knees and was snuggled next to Ashe on the buggy seat.
“Warm enough, honey?”
“I’m fine, Ashe.”
He slid his arm around her and pulled her closer to him. “It’s only a few more miles, then you’re in for a Montgomery Christmas Eve. Nobody does the Christmas season like my mother.”
“I’ve heard about her holidays.” She smiled up at him. “I’m looking forward to it.”
They were silent for a few minutes. He spoke first. “You’re happy, aren’t you, Quinn?”
She frowned. “Of course, I’m happy. How about you?”
“I never dreamed it could happen to me, but I’m the happiest man alive.”
“I’m glad because you’re the best husband a woman could ask for.”
“And to think I almost didn’t become your husband.”
“There was no way in the world I was going to let you get away from me.”
“And I’m glad you didn’t. I loved you dearly, but I was too stubborn to admit it.”
“I’m glad you finally realized we were meant to be together. I’d have hated to chase you the way Lola Norwood did.”
“Well, she never had a chance of catching me, but you did.”
She grew serious. “I wish Uncle Hank and Ina could’ve made it here for Christmas.”
“I’m sure since they’ve sold the saloon and the boarding house they’ll be coming to Cheyenne by spring. We’ll get to see them more often then.”
“Wasn’t it sweet of him to give the house my sisters and I lived in to Mazie Smithton and her children?”
“Hank’s a good man.”
“Since we’re talking about all the people we knew in Tornado, Ina wrote that Winnie Goodspell is doing well with the dress shop. She’s had to hire another seamstress.”
“Do you and your sisters miss the shop?”
“I don’t have time to miss it because you keep me so busy on our ranch. I love being a ranch wife. I think Deborah and Marlene feel the same way.”
“You’re the perfect ranch wife.”
She smiled at him and changed the subject. “Are we going to tell your folks there’ll be another family member with us next Christmas?”
“Let’s wait until after dinner. I don’t want them to get so excited they can’t eat.” He held her tighter. “I’m still reeling from the information myself.”
“Well, Cal and Beck keep saying since you’re the oldest, you need to produce the first Montgomery grandchild.”
“And with your help, I’m going to do it.”
“I’ve been thinking, Ashe. I like the fact your parents named you in alphabetical order. Do you mind if I continue the tradition?”
“What ‘D’ name are you thinking of?”
“Your mother told me your grandfather’s name was David and your grandmother was Diane. What do you think?”
They reached the turnoff to the elder Montgomery ranch. Ashe stopped the buggy and looked down at Quinn. “I think it’s sweet of you to use the name of one of my grandparents.”
“Then can I consider it settled?”
“Yes, my love. You can.”
“Good, but why are you stopping.”
“Because I want to take my wife in my arms and kiss her before we’re bombarded with family. I know it’ll be late tonight before I get you in that upstairs bedroom I slept in as a boy.”
“And when you get me in your old bedroom, my dear husband, will you stop with simply kissing me?”
“Not on your life. I’ll make love to you as long as you let me.”
She giggled. “How about all night?”
He raised an eyebrow at her. “Promise?”
“Yes, Ashe. I promise.”
“Wonderful. As I well know, my Quinn always keeps her promises.” He took her in his arms and kissed her passionately. Pulling away, he whispered, “I guess that’ll hold me until I get you alone tonight and collect on that promise. Now let’s go have Christmas Eve with the family.”
Agnes Alexander is the pen name of a mystery and romantic suspense writer. She has loved western books and movies since she and her brother along with their cousins played Cowboys and Indians as children in their Blue Ridge Mountain home. She is now a mother and a grandmother and still lives in North Carolina. Quinn’s Promise is the second western historical she has written in a series she calls “Women who helped win the West and the men they loved.” Her website is www.agnesalexander.com.
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