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Quinn's Promise Page 17
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Page 17
“I’ve missed you, Hank.” She looked at him and sipped her coffee. “You were a good business partner. One of the best. Our bordello was famous all over town. Some of the richest business men in New Orleans were regulars at The Golden Dove and if you’d wanted, we could have had so much more.”
“Don’t start that, Winnie. No matter how much you wanted it to be different, you know partners were all we ever were.” He drank his coffee. “You said something about my niece.”
“I did want it to be different, Hank, but I understand why you were never attracted to me.” She sighed. “I didn’t come here to hash over old hurts. I came to tell you I went to see Princess yesterday. She’s up to something, Hank.”
“I know. Princess is always up to something.”
“She doesn’t like Quinn.”
“That’s because Ashe has shown some interest in Quinn. Princess doesn’t like that.”
“She’s using Ashe, Hank. I don’t know why, but she is.”
He eyed her. “Maybe it’s the other way around. He may be using her.”
“She’s still mixed up with Templeton.”
Hank raised a brow. “How do you know?”
“Do you remember that little statue he always brought with him when he visited Princess at our place? He said he put in the house he stayed in as his good luck charm?”
“Yeah. I remember it. I thought he was crazy, but he always set it on a table in Princess’s room.”
“I saw it sitting on a table in Princess’s parlor yesterday.”
“So, he’s here somewhere, and unless I miss my guess he’s up to no good.”
“It looks that way.”
Hank sat back and looked at her. “What has this to do with my niece?”
“Princess told me Quinn was getting in her way.” She looked into Hank’s eyes. “You know what Princess is capable of when someone gets in her way.”
“I know well. I remember when one of the girls went after Templeton, Princess stabbed her in the back coming out of his room. Though she didn’t seem to care, it was lucky for her the girl didn’t die.”
“Of course, it didn’t matter to Princess whether the woman lived or died. It only mattered that she didn’t take Temp away from her.” Winnie sighed. “Hank, I know you thought she loved you when she came to work for us after that trip to Memphis with Temp, but I don’t think my niece is capable of loving any man, except maybe J.C. Templeton. And I’m not sure that’s love.”
“It’s all in the past, Winnie.”
“Is it? I’ve been nosing around. I heard you got involved with her when she came to town.”
“I visited her a few times. Scared the Hell out of her because she thought I’d blow her cover. I admit I took advantage of her fear. She’s still a beautiful woman, even if she is evil.”
“Why didn’t you expose her?”
“Why should I? She was married to Norwood when they arrived. Of course he didn’t live long. Had an accident at one of the mines he owned.”
“His dying left Princess a rich woman, didn’t it?”
“Not as rich as she thought she’d be. He provided for her, but the bulk of his wealth went to a son back East. When Junior came and claimed the estate, Princess tried to con him out of it, but he said if she tried to do anything he’d have what his father had left her taken away. I think she decided to take what she could and not fight for more.”
Winnie put her cup down. “When you left The Golden Dove, I had a hard time. Princess decided to try her luck elsewhere and she again left with Templeton. Then you took my next best girl, Cindy, with you.”
“I know. She brought in almost as much business as Princess. I guess I was trying to punish you and Princess both by taking her.” He chuckled. “Of course, Cindy didn’t do me much good. She worked a couple of months for me then ran off with a cowboy who wanted to give her the honest life. From what I heard before I moved on to Colorado they have two kids and she’s happy in her new life.”
“I guess I’m vindicated, then. At least she didn’t make you a fortune either.”
“Not at all.”
“I met Fred Norwood the summer after you left.” She laughed. “Believe it or not, I’d become a respectable business woman. I opened a small restaurant and was making money. Fred ate there all the time. It wasn’t long until we started seeing each other. In fact, he asked me to marry him and I knew I could at last live a normal life. My whore of a niece had left town with Templeton and the people were beginning to accept me as one of them.”
She paused and Hank asked, “What happened?”
“Templeton picked up a new slut in St. Louis and kicked Princess out. Of course, she came back to town. At first she seemed delighted I was going to marry a man who could give me the material things I wanted as well as love me like I’d never been a whore. Then it all fell apart. I closed the restaurant early one night and went home because I thought Fred was coming back the next day. I wanted to get things ready to welcome him and surprise him with what I’d done in planning the wedding.” She took a deep breath. “I was the one who got the surprise. I walked in and found Princess and Fred on a rug in front of the fireplace. They were both naked and in the throws of passion.”
“I’m sorry, Winnie.” His face showed he really was.
She shrugged. “Of course they told me they hadn’t meant for it to happen. Fred begged me to forgive him and said he’d never be unfaithful to me again. Like a fool, I believed him and went on planning the wedding. A month later Princess told him she was pregnant. Being an honorable man, he said he had to marry her. Two days later they packed up and left town. I learned later she’d cleaned out my bank account and I lost everything. I went back to work in a bordello and saved enough money to track her down. When I read about Fred Norwood’s death in the paper I knew where she was. As soon as I got the money I came here to confront her.”
“So you’re telling me all of this because you think Princess is capable of anything.”
“I think she plans to kill me if she can and I wanted you to know about it. If anything happens to me, she’ll be the one who was behind it. I wouldn’t put it past her to go after Quinn. She’s set on marrying Ashe and she won’t let anybody get in her way. Quinn is a complication and she won’t stop until all complications are out of her way.”
“Then, Winnie, it looks like we have no choice in the matter. We’re in business together again.” He half smiled at her. “This time we’re not running a brothel, we’re going to make sure your niece doesn’t do any more damage to the people around her.”
* * * *
Ashe didn’t mean to go to sleep, but after Lola’s visit and getting his wounds tended, he was more exhausted than he thought. When he opened his eyes again, he was in his room alone. He wondered if Quinn had gotten mad and left after the rude things Lola said to her. He hoped not. He liked having her here. Maybe he should’ve defended her when Lola kept harassing her, but Quinn seemed able to take care of herself.
As these thoughts swirled in his head, he knew he had to know if she was still in the house.
“Quinn,” he called.
There was no answer and he called again.
When she didn’t answer, he figured he’d been right. She’d been insulted and left.
With effort he managed to get to a sitting position and swing his legs over the side of the bed. His head spun and he had to sit for a few minutes to get oriented. It was then he realized he was naked, but he wasn’t far from his dresser. He could get some underwear there and pants from the wardrobe. Surely he could make it that far.
When he felt stronger, he tried to stand up. It didn’t work. His legs wobbled and he had to sit. After a few minutes, he tried standing again. This time he took a step. He got to the end of the bed and grabbed the foot board. He didn’t know if he had the strength to go further. He wondered if there was anything in the room he could use for a cane.
Not seeing anything, he took a deep breath, let go of the bed
and started toward the dresser. It wasn’t a smart thing to do. His wobbly legs gave out and he fell flat in the floor.
* * * *
Quinn came rushing into the room. Tossing the laundry basket to the floor, she ran to him. “Oh, my Lord, Ashe. What are you trying to do?” She knelt at his side.
“I thought I could walk.”
“Well, now you see you can’t.” She put her arms around him and tried not to look at his nude body. “I’m not sure I can get you off the floor, you’re going to have to help me.”
They struggled, but there didn’t seem to be any way she could lift him. He was more than twice her size.
Ashe finally said. “Pull that chair over here. I’ll pull myself up by it and you can steady me until I can sit on the bed.”
Quinn did as she was told. It was still a struggle, but in a little while he was back on the bed. Sweat was beading on his face as well as hers.
“Don’t you dare try getting up again.” She pointed a finger at him.
“I won’t. I promise.” He closed his eyes. “I was afraid you’d gone and I was looking for you.”
“Next time call me. Until your brothers get back, I’m not going anywhere.”
“And you won’t let Lola run you off.”
She looked at him. “No I won’t. I’ll only leave if you tell me you want her to come to look after you.”
“I want you.” His voice was getting weak. “You’re the only woman I ever want to come into this bedroom.”
Quinn didn’t know what to say, but it didn’t matter. He’d already drifted back to sleep. She lifted his legs and got him back in the bed. As she spread the sheet over him she couldn’t help noticing how well endowed he was. Her cheeks were burning hot when she finally got him covered and even the sheet didn’t hide from her mind what she knew was lying beneath the cover.
Chapter 25
Quinn busied herself in the house while Ashe slept. She dusted the parlor. She put a beef roast in the oven and cooked potatoes and green beans to go with it. She made a fresh pot of coffee and then sat in the kitchen to finish hemming another skirt Marlene sent. She was trying everything she could think of to keep from picturing Ashe sprawled out on the floor butt naked. It was the first time she’d seen a grown man without clothes. Though she knew what the male of the species looked like, it was a shock to experience the sight in person. She wondered how she was going to face him when he woke up. After she touched him to get him back to bed, she remembered clearly how hard his muscles felt as she’d encircled him with her arms. She also remembered the feel of the soft hair on his chest against her cheek.
Shaking her head, she checked the roast. It was almost done and she hadn’t been back to his bedroom since getting him into bed. She wondered why he hadn’t awakened and called for her. She felt a little guilty, but she dreaded facing him. She had no idea what he’d say about the fiasco.
Then it dawned on her she hadn’t checked his side when she’d covered his nakedness. What if he’d pulled the wound open and it had bled all this time? He could bleed to death. Her better judgment took over and she turned down the hall with a deep breath. She might as well get it over with.
Ashe was awake when she entered the room. “I didn’t think you’d ever come back.” He grinned at her.
“I thought you were asleep.”
“I slept some, but I’ve been awake for a while.”
“You could’ve called me. Do you need something?”
“I’d sure like a cup of coffee.”
“All right. I’ll get you one, but first let me check your bandage. I want to be sure your wound didn’t break open when you fell.” She moved to the side of the bed.
“Look all you want. You’ve seen all of me so I’ve nothing to hide from you now.”
She blushed and checked the bandage on his shoulder. It looked fine. She hesitated before pulling down the sheet to check the wound on his side. Again she noticed the curly black hair on his chest and felt a tingle go down her spine. Her eyes darted to his face. He was still grinning at her.
Quickly she pushed the sheet only low enough to see the bandage did have a little seepage of blood. “I think this should be changed. It has bled some, but I can’t tell how much.”
“Do whatever you think necessary.” He chuckled. “You know I’m in no shape to take advantage of you even though I’m in a state of no-dress.”
“I didn’t think you’d take advantage of me, Ashe.” She tried to sound serious, though she was still nervous. “I’m not the type of woman you seem to prefer.”
“How do you know what type of woman I prefer?”
“How, indeed?” She snipped the old bandage off, looked at the wound, and stood. “I’m going to get some hot water to wash this. I’ll bring your coffee back.”
Before he could say anything she hurried out of the room.
* * * *
Quinn was finishing the bandage on his side when there was a knock on the door.
“If that’s your girlfriend, I’m going to let her take over here,” she muttered.
“Why? I thought we were getting along fine.”
“I didn’t say we weren’t. All I have to do is ignore your prattle and things go all right.”
Ashe grabbed her hand. “I don’t want any woman in this room except you.”
She stared at him. “If it’s her, what do you want me to tell her?”
“Tell her I died, if you want to.”
Quinn couldn’t help it. His words made all the tension built up in her drain away. She laughed when she thought of what Lola’s face would look like when she heard those words. “Shall I tell her not to come to the funeral?”
“Sounds good to me.” Ashe squeezed her hand and winked at her as the knock sounded on the door again. “You’d better answer it. Whoever it is might think we’re in my bedroom doing no telling what.”
Quinn shook her head and went to the front door. When she opened it her face broke into a wide smile. “Uncle Hank. What a nice surprise.”
“Thought I’d better check on the sheriff and make sure he hasn’t compromised my beautiful niece.”
Quinn blushed as she leaned up and kissed his cheek. “Don’t be silly. He’s in no condition to compromise anybody. Come in.”
“How’s he doing?”
“He’s weak. It wears him out when I change the bandages and he usually falls asleep afterward, but he keeps pretending he’s fine. The doctor said the weakness was because he lost so much blood.”
“I know. He told me if he hadn’t got to him when he did Ashe would have bled to death.”
“I don’t think he knows how close to death he came.” She led Hank to Ashe’s room. “You have company,”
“Hank. Hello.”
Hank pushed his hat back and moved to the bed. “How much longer are you going to lie around here and force my niece to wait on you?”
Ashe’s eyes twinkled. “As long as I can get away with it.”
“I have to admit I can’t say as I blame you.”
“You two, stop it.” Quinn said. “Would you like some coffee, Uncle Hank?”
Ashe started to say something, but she interrupted him. “Don’t ask. I know you want a refill.”
In a matter of minutes she returned with the coffee. “I’ll finish up dinner while you have company. Maybe we can talk Uncle Hank into eating with us.”
“You don’t have to talk me into it. I accept,” Hank said.
* * * *
When she was gone, Hank turned to Ashe. “How do you really feel?”
“Like hell, Hank. I can’t even get out of bed to relieve myself. Quinn has to put a bucket by the bed. It’s embarrassing for both of us.”
“She seems to be handling everything well.”
“She’s special, that’s for sure.”
“Wait a minute, Ashe. You don’t have any intention—”
“Damn, Hank, how can I intend anything while I’m flat on m
y back?” He shifted his position. “Is the posse back?”
“Not yet.”
“I thought since you’re here—”
“I didn’t go with them. Cal asked me to stay in town to keep an eye on things since you were out of commission.”
“Anything happening I need to know about?”
Hank looked away. “Let me ask you something before I explain what’s going on. How serious are you with Lola Norwood?”
“Taking her to bed now and then is as serious as it ever got. That’s all over now.”
“So you have no intention of marrying her?”
“Hell no. She’s not the kind of woman a man marries, but she’s been a good bed partner when I feel the need.”
“I’ve got a couple of good-looking women at my saloon who could ease that need for you.”
“I know, but I thought it’d be better to stay away from saloon women since I’m the sheriff.”
“Did you know Lola’s telling everyone you’re serious about her?”
“Well, I’m not.” Ashe shook his head. “I told her from the beginning I had no intentions of settling down.”
“I’m glad. You deserve better.” Hank looked hard at him. “And in case you’re harboring ideas of Quinn, she’s way too good for you.”
“You think I don’t know that, Hank?”
“I guess you do. You’re not a stupid man.” Hank drained his coffee and sat the cup on the table by the bed. “I know I’m nosing into your personal life, but I had to find out what you thought of Lola.”
“Something strange is going on with her.”
“What do you mean, strange?”
“I ran into someone who knew her before she came to Tornado. She wasn’t the nicest lady in her hometown,” Hank explained.
“I had a feeling she came here because of her husband. A town like Tornado doesn’t seem to be the kind to attract a woman like Lola.”
“Then it won’t upset you to know a strange man’s been slipping into her house?”
“Not at all. I didn’t figure I was the only one visiting her.”
Hank looked at him with a frown which slowly turned into a grin. “You sly dog. You’re using the pretty widow for a different purpose other than simply filling your needs.”